I was very curious at a young age, thirsty for learning and knowledge. Eager to know about Art, Psychology, Sociology, Poetry, Quantum Physics, Astrology and much more. I knew it would be a long journey and humorously I used to say “I will bring my fruits at the age of forty like the oaks ” But it took way longer. I was not lazy, the road was very bumpy! Getting married, having kids, working hard, not having access to the resources in my motherland and much more slowed down my progress.
Now I am in the US. Through so much effort, learning more and meeting great Masters I understood “who I am and what I want to do”. I feel this is the time for me to talk, to write, to flourish and bring up my Fruits.
My path is Path of the Light, Truth, Love, Wisdom, and Power which all of us have inherently. My passion is to be a part of this amazing wisdom and facilitate this journey for others.
This is a private blog. Everyone can read this blog, but only members have access to write about topics, express their ideas or ask questions. So if my passion resonates with you, please fill out the registration form to become a member and let’s start our journey together.
To know more about me, what I know and what I teach please see the page "About Me" wher you can also read testimonials.
Aghdas Lotfizadeh
Master Teacher of:
- Yoga
- Reiki Holy Fire III
- Karuna Reiki Holy Fire III
- Magnified Healing of the GOD Most High of the Universe